Our future is up to no one but us.

As the next generation of entrepreneurs, we shoulder the responsibility to bolster ourselves, our communities, our economies, and broader society in the face of technological revolution. Samuels Ventures is dedicated to reminding the world of the features that make us human—empathy, communication, artistry, philosophy, ethics, and leadership. 

Let us simultaneously safeguard tradition and lead eagerly into the future.

The future we've imagined (and perhaps feared) is on our doorstep

For decades, science fiction has stoked our imaginations of self-piloting vehicles, household androids, and machine intelligence. Unsurprisingly, people have tirelessly worked toward what once seemed a fantastical impossibility and have now ushered in a new era—the age of artificial intelligence. Miraculous as it is, it challenges the way we understand our economies, our societies, our relationships, and our roles within them.

This isn’t intended to be doomsday soothsaying. Technology has already changed the way we behave and, therefore, the way we think. While we once spent our leisure time outside or in the company of friends and family, we now spend two-thirds of our time online. As industries wrestle with the merits of working from home, almost a quarter of Americans don’t report to an office and are deprived of the human interaction that has characterized “work” for time immemorial. Children are more likely to chat over Discord under the glow of a monitor than ride their bikes through the unknown corridors of their neighborhoods. How often have we been at a gathering and suddenly realized everyone present was looking at a phone? We’ve accidentally become indentured to the technology we invented to give us more freedom.

And now, as artificial intelligence becomes more of a practicality than a concept, another radical shift is underway. We are replacing tasks—sometimes even jobs or entire facilities—with AI platforms. Some fear we are making ourselves obsolete. Whether you believe that or not, it seems obvious that we need to quickly assess the value we provide our economies and societies.

We believe that the most valuable and vital individuals during this next chapter will be those who are knowledgeable and skilled in areas that we might consider more traditional or academic, such as the arts, humanities, and interpersonal skills. We strive to provide training and encouragement to that end.

a team giving a group high-five


"Soft skills" such as leadership, communication, adaptability, teamwork, empathy, and conflict resolution will become more and more important.

Dancers performing a modern-style ballet


The appreciation of art, music, and dancing doesn't require snobbery. There is beauty all around us waiting to be experienced.

A picture of a bookshelf in an academic library


Ethics, philosophy, history, and the like are some of the most important fields of study if we want to learn how to relate to each other and the world.

The Future Is Now

As we embrace the new way of the world, let’s not forget about the deeper and more meaningful qualities that make humankind so miraculous.

Keep the imperfect human condition alive

Get in touch with questions about our mission or to join the ranks of individuals and businesses keeping the humanities alive.